Monday, September 16, 2013

My Life: Everything but BUY THE BOOK!

Last year I had the idea of recording the best and the worst things that happened to me every day for an entire calendar year.  ‘If I’m going to be writing every day,’ I thought, ‘why not simply WRITE EVERY DAY?’  So I’ve been doing just that, every day since January 1, 2013.  The first 181 days (chapters) that conclude on June 30 are featured in My Life: Everything but BUY THE BOOK! (Part 1 of 2).  Part 2 or 2 will follow along about six months from now and feature the final 184 days of the year. 

‘So,’ you’re wondering to yourself, ‘what on earth could the book possibly be about?’

I’m glad you asked.

Every day features a small vignette of what ran through my mind on that particular day.  It could be based on a real event: something that happened to me personally, or someone close to me, or something on a national level and occasionally even on an international level.  It could be based on something that happened on that particular day in my life or in some cases, history.  It could be something that made me laugh, or inspired or excited me, or motivated me or frustrated me and in some cases, what pi*ed me off.  Whatever the case may be I thought it worthy to put it down on paper. 

*I use the word ‘vignette’ to describe a chapter because even if you don’t appreciate it’s literary use, it also sounds like a French pastry and just might appeal to a potential reader
 on another level.

I’ve given out a few copies of the book to test the waters, so to speak.  From what I’ve gotten back from the members of my test audience, they all agree on one thing: The book is a real page-turner.  Each chapter, ranging in length from one to three pages is just the right length when you’ve got a few minutes to spare.  Whether it be with your morning coffee, during your ‘morning ritual’ or right before you turn off your bedside reading light and call it a day, the book is just what you need for those few minutes of ‘me time.’

Each vignette has a purpose.  It might be to touch your heart.  It might be to get your blood boiling.  In most cases it’s simply to put a smile on your face.

If you’ve been enjoying the blogs found on, I feel comfortable saying you’ll enjoy this book.

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